
Waterfall Les Bali

Another tourist attractions waterfalls worth a visit when You are in the middle of Bali, namely Waterfalls Les.This waterfall has a height of up to 30 metres where the surrounding circumstances are surrounded by Balinese landscapes that are so amazing. Its natural condition combined with the background Hills add exoticism and the allure of this waterfall.

Les Cascades or a lot of people call it with Yeh Mampeh meaning "water flying". Why water fly?Because of this height which reaches 30 meters makes this water as if it were flying before finally falling in the pond is quite large, a gathering place for water. This waterfall is located between the hills and the Tangudi hills of Pungsu in Buleleng in the East and has three levels.

Levels Of The Waterfall Les
The bottom of the waterfall has a height of approximately 30-35 yards, while the highest waterfalls seldom visited due to the steep terrain and difficult to take. When you visit this waterfall, turns out to not only be able to see the beauty of this waterfall, because there are other tourist attractions i.e. Toya Chicks. Toya Chicks have a religious message to local people because it is so sacred to them. Toya Chicks is often used for the means of religious ceremonies.
Therefore, even if the water is not too large, the citizens while maintaining purity. Before taking the water, residents usually will present offerings as a sign requesting and purify water. Then lengkaplah had to visit the sights of Waterfalls Les besides can see the beauty of the waterfalls, and you can also see other attractions like Toya Chicks Beach, the village of Les, and of course the culture of the local community.
Location of Waterfalls in the village of Les Les Sub Tejakula, Buleleng Regency about 38 km from the city of Singaraja